I'm writting the below code:
pub fn main() !void {
var array_list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer array_list.deinit();
const cwd = fs.cwd();
const file = try cwd.createFile("files.zig", .{});
defer file.close();
const writer = file.writer();
try writer.print("const std = @import(\"std\");\n", .{});
try writer.print("pub const file_paths = [_][]const u8{{\n", .{});
try processDirectory("www", &array_list, writer);
try writer.print("
\\ const EmbeddedFile = struct {
\\ path: []const u8,
\\ content: []const u8,
\\ };
\\ try embed();
\\ pub const embedded_files = blk: {
\\ var fs: [file_paths.len]EmbeddedFile = undefined;
\\ for (file_paths) |file_path, i| {
\\ const embedded_file = EmbeddedFile{
\\ .path = file_path,
\\ .content = @embedFile(file_path),
\\ };
\\ fs[i] = embedded_file;
\\ }
\\ break :blk fs;
", .{});
But got the error:
error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'
try writer.print("
<stdin>:37:23: note: invalid byte: '\n'
try writer.print("
Multiline strings don't need the "
, they are well-defined by the \\
Also I would suggest against putting code into the format string of the print method(this would require escaping all the {
and }
), instead I would suggest to pass it as a separate argument:
try writer.print("{s}", .{
\\ const EmbeddedFile = struct {
\\ path: []const u8,
\\ content: []const u8,
\\ };
\\ try embed();
\\ pub const embedded_files = blk: {
\\ var fs: [file_paths.len]EmbeddedFile = undefined;
\\ for (file_paths) |file_path, i| {
\\ const embedded_file = EmbeddedFile{
\\ .path = file_path,
\\ .content = @embedFile(file_path),
\\ };
\\ fs[i] = embedded_file;
\\ }
\\ break :blk fs;