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SQL query to find the date when value of a column changed to the current value in history table

We have a table containing the current state and a history table tracking all changes to the state. Both are normal tables and records in the history table are inserted based on a trigger on the current table. Only the current table is modified.

The history table contains all data. So the latest record for specific id in the history table has the same information as the record in the current table.

We want to query the time when the value of the "state" column changed to the current state (if the current state is not null). The history table keeps records of changes not just to the "state" column, but also to other state columns.

Here are the tables:

Current state table:

id state other_state
1 green aaa
2 red bbb
3 null aaa

History table:

history_id id state other_state valid_from valid_to
8 1 green aaa 2023-06-18 9999-12-31
3 1 null aaa 2023-06-01 2023-06-18
7 2 red aaa 2023-06-16 9999-12-31
6 2 red bbb 2023-06-10 2023-06-16
2 2 null aaa 2023-06-01 2023-06-10
5 3 null aaa 2023-06-14 9999-12-31
4 3 blue aaa 2023-06-10 2023-06-14
1 3 null aaa 2023-06-01 2023-06-10

We want the output to look like this:

id state state_valid_since other_state
1 green 2023-06-18 aaa
2 red 2023-06-10 bbb
3 null null aaa

Since these history tables can be rather large, we are looking for an efficient way to query this. Our first attempts were with a calculating row number partitioned over id and state to find the changed values, but we never got to the correct result. We would appreciate any hints!

Here is a minimal example (but the query is not yet giving the expected results)

Declare @current_table  as table( 
id int, 
state varchar(10),
other_state  varchar(10))
INSERT INTO @current_table
(1, 'green' ,'aaa'),
(2, 'red','aaa'),
(3, null,'aaa')

Declare @history_table  as table( 
history_id int,
id int, 
state varchar(10),
other_state  varchar(10) ,
valid_from  date, 
valid_to  date)
INSERT INTO @history_table
(8, 1, 'green' ,'aaa', '2023-06-18'   , '9999-12-31'),
(3, 1, null,'aaa', '2023-06-01', '2023-06-18'),
(7, 2, 'red','aaa', '2023-06-16', '9999-12-31'),
(6, 2, 'red','bbb', '2023-06-10', '2023-06-16'),
(2, 2, null,'aaa', '2023-06-01', '2023-06-10'),
(5, 3, null,'aaa', '2023-06-14', '9999-12-31'),
(4, 3, 'blue','aaa', '2023-06-10', '2023-06-14'),
(1, 3, null,'aaa', '2023-06-01', '2023-06-10');

WITH changes 
     AS (SELECT Row_number() OVER ( PARTITION BY, curr.state ORDER BY curr.valid_from DESC) AS rn,
            prev.state      prev_state, 
            prev.valid_to   prev_valid_to 
                @history_table curr
                LEFT JOIN @history_table prev
                ON = AND curr.valid_from > prev.valid_from


SELECT * from changes
where rn = 1
order by id, valid_from desc


  • It's not clear from your question if your history table is a normal table that you maintain or is a system-versioned temporal table - if not then perhaps it should be where you can use FOR SYSTEM_TIME to query it?

    To get the desired result above you can simply use a correlated subquery:

      id, state, (
        select top (1) valid_to
        from @history_table ht
        where = 
          and ct.state is not null
          and (ht.state != ct.state or ht.state is null)
        order by valid_to desc
    from @current_table ct;

    For performance you'd want the history_table to have an index on id, valid_from.

    If you did want to also get the values of other columns you would instead implement in an apply- although it's not really clear from your data or your description if the newest row in the history_table is the previous row of the current_table or not (it should be).


    With some more info about your data I think a different approach is called for. I still think you should be implementing system-versioning here as having a history table that also contains the current row makes things harder.

    Another approach would be to use the earliest valid_from date from the most recent block of matching states. A view on the history table can provide a grouped sequence, then your query can make use of the view instead:

    create view history_groups as
    with d as (
      select *, case when Lag(state) over(partition by id order by valid_from desc) = state then 0 else 1 end diff
      from dbo.history_table
    select *, Sum(diff) over(partition by id order by valid_from desc) groupNo
    from d;
      id, state, (
        select top (1) valid_from
        from history_groups h
        where = 
          and ct.state is not null
          and h.groupNo = 1
        order by h.valid_from
    from current_table ct;