I'm using the TIdHTTPServer
to host a large set of existing HTML files. However, I have a problem where it's returning altered HTML. Mainly, double quotes (“
) are being replaced with jibberish like “
. Viewing the HTML file directly from my filesystem in Edge shows just fine, but the same page / file when served through this Indy HTTP server gets altered.
I'm returning the file via a TFileStream
like so:
FS:= TFileStream.Create(FN, fmOpenRead);
AResponseInfo.ContentStream:= FS;
FE:= LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(FN));
if FMime.IndexOfName(FE) >= 0 then
CT:= FMime.Values[FE]
CT:= 'application/octet-stream';
AResponseInfo.ContentType:= CT; //text/html in this case
The raw HTML file has this:
<p>“<strong>Y</strong>” = Consigned</p>
...which looks like this:
But when served through Indy, the HTML has this:
<p>“<strong>Y</strong>†= Consigned</p>
...which looks like this:
What is going wrong, and how do I fix it?
I just figured it out - I need to set the character set:
AResponseInfo.CharSet := 'utf-8';