How do you make a drawer to fill entire width of a screen?
drawerState = drawerState,
drawerContent = {
modifier = Modifier
) {
content = {
This code is not working. When drawer is closed, a small piece of it is visible.
This weird behaviour happens when adding the modifier directly to ModalDrawerSheet
, by adding it to child elements it doesn't happen.
fun Test() {
val drawerState = rememberDrawerState(initialValue = DrawerValue.Closed)
drawerState = drawerState,
drawerContent = {
modifier = Modifier
if (drawerState.targetValue == DrawerValue.Open) Modifier.fillMaxSize() else Modifier
) {
modifier = Modifier
) {
content = {
Though, applying max size to ModalDrawerSheet
causes a side effect when drawer is closed, it's possible for we to add a condition to enable max size only when the drawer is open by using Modifier.then