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How to calculate slug with URL segment of parent object?

I would like to calculate the slug automatically by using the parent object. Like with the pages where the parent pages are part of the slug.

In my extension I have an object hierarchy like 'journal' > 'volume' > 'issue' > 'article' etc. I want the slug to be something like:


How can this be done?

[TYPO3 v11]


  • To calculate a slug for your custom object you need following:

    1.A path-segment field in your database. Add to your article models SQL:

    path_segment varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL

    2.Add the field to the article models TCA:

    'path_segment' => [
        'exclude' => true,
        'label' => 'URL path segment',
        'l10n_mode' => 'exclude',
        'config' => [
            'type' => 'slug',
            'generatorOptions' => [
                'fields' => ['title'],  // Title of your article
                'fieldSeparator' => '/',
                'prefixParentPageSlug' => false,
                'postModifiers' => [
                    \VENDOR\ExtName\PostModifier\MyCoolPostModifier::class . '->modifySlug'
            'fallbackCharacter' => '-',
            'eval' => 'uniqueInSite',
            'default' => ''

    If the postmodifier does not work as described. Check out the docs. There it sais the postmodifier should be registered as a hook:

    3.A postmodifier class with a modifySlug method:

    The method receives an parameter with the following values:

        'slug' // ... the slug to be used
        'workspaceId' // ... the workspace ID, "0" if in live workspace
        'configuration' // ... the configuration of the TCA field
        'record' // ... the full record to be used
        'pid' // ... the resolved parent page ID
        'prefix' // ... the prefix that was added
        'tableName' // ... the table of the slug field
        'fieldName' // ... the field name of the slug field

    There you can load the parent objects of your article and then generate the slug. At the end return the modified slug. If you need help with that, give me a hint in the comments.


    Here is an example postModifier that should fit your requirements:

    namespace VENDOR\ExtName\PostModifier;
    use VENDOR\ExtName\Domain\Repository\ArticleRepository;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\PersistenceManager;
    class SlugPostModifier
        public function modifySlug(array $data): string
            // You will need the uid of the articles Record
            $recordUid = $data['record']['uid'];
            // To load the Object you will need the object manager and persistence manager
            $objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
            $persistenceManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(PersistenceManager::class);
            // Instanciate your article repository and inject the persistence manager
            $articleRepository = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ArticleRepository::class, $objectManager);
            // Fetch the article object by record uid
            $article = $articleRepository->findByUid($recordUid);
            // Load the articles parent objects - somehow like (Depends on your models)
            $issue = $article->getIssue();
            $volume = $issue->getVolume();
            $journal = $volume->getJournal();
            // Load the path segments of the articles parent objects
            $articleSlug = $data['slug'];
            $issueSlug = $issue->getPathSegment();
            $volumeSlug = $volume->getPathSegment();
            $journalSlug = $journal->getPathSegment();
             * If your articles parent objects do not have path segments,
             * then you could also load the title-fields.
             * But be aware that you than have to do several string operations.
             * Like strtolower(), str_replace() etc....
             * to replace capitals letters and special characters like german umlauts i.e.
            return "$journalSlug/$volumeSlug/$issueSlug/$articleSlug";