i want to make Filtering data with Laravel 9 and Livewire. the goal is when input is NULL
the query will not search the input.
$barangs = Barang::with('supplier', 'merk', 'kategori')
->where('supplier_id', $this->supplierID)->where('merk_id', $this->merkID)->where('kategori_id', $this->kategoriID)->get();
so, if the $this->supplierID
it will be like this below
$barangs = Barang::with('supplier', 'merk', 'kategori')
->where('merk_id', $this->merkID)->where('kategori_id', $this->kategoriID)->get();
how to achieve that ? thankyou so much for the answer
You can do it in two different ways
Traditional if()
$barangQuery = Barang::with('supplier', 'merk', 'kategori')
->where('merk_id', $this->merkID)
->where('kategori_id', $this->kategoriID);
if ($this->supplierID) {
$barangQuery->where('supplier_id', $this->supplierID);
$barangs = $barangQuery->get();
The other solution is using when()
$barangs = Barang::with('supplier', 'merk', 'kategori')
->where('merk_id', $this->merkID)
->where('kategori_id', $this->kategoriID)
->when($this->supplierID, function ($query) {
$query->where('supplier_id', $this->supplierID);