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Calibrating MPU6050

I using a MPU 6050 and raspberry pi pico for making an IMU. I have set the range of accelerometer as +- 2 g but there is a .96 g offset this severly limits the sensing range on the positive side. I have written a calibration program which works fine in which we explicitly add the offsets to the data `

def calibrate(i2c):

    for i in range(10000):
        temp += read_raw_data(i2c, TEMP_OUT_H) / 340.0 + 36.53
        accel_x += read_raw_data(i2c, ACCEL_XOUT_H) / 16384.0
        accel_y += read_raw_data(i2c, ACCEL_XOUT_H + 2) / 16384.0
        accel_z += read_raw_data(i2c, ACCEL_XOUT_H + 4) / 16384.0
        gyro_x += read_raw_data(i2c, GYRO_XOUT_H) / 131.0
        gyro_y += read_raw_data(i2c, GYRO_XOUT_H + 2) / 131.0
        gyro_z += read_raw_data(i2c, GYRO_XOUT_H + 4) / 131.0
    print('calibration done')

is there any way in which i can calibrate the sensor and still get full range?


  • The 0.96 g is gravitational acceleration and must be from the vertical axis (typically z-axis). This is not a sensor bias. Included in the accelerometer acceleration measurement is gravitational acceleration. And so the answer is no. Gravity will take up part of the measurement range.

    To get a feel for typical accelerometer readings check out a sample dataset from Copied here are the first few IMU entries from the automotive dataset where the z-axis nominally points down. Convert the units from m/s^2 to g's and you see the same approximate 1 g from gravity.

    TimeFromStart (s)  AccelX (m/s^2)         AccelY (m/s^2)       AccelZ (m/s^2)      AngleRateX (rad/s)     AngleRateY (rad/s)      AngleRateZ (rad/s)
    49.27              0.0065134831           0.1535978052         -9.8256081343       0.0033288721           0.0021099924            -0.000368629
    49.28              -0.1163793611          0.1524602878         -9.7294434905       -0.0014737246          -0.001269474            -5.3143600000000004e-05
    49.29              -0.1772884163          0.1816529664         -9.833201021        -0.0009057809          -0.0002318527           -0.0004045664

    Measuring "acceleration minus gravity" is also possible but requires a layer of sensor fusion. The method shown in the original post falls apart if the sensor is tilted. Feel free to post a new question detailing the requirements if that is what you need then.