learner / noob alert :)
im working on my first project and ive hit another wall.
im building a three line list item on the python side ( in my project it returns search values from a DB hence the need for a 'for' loop)
ive stripped down the code to where im stuck -
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivymd.app import MDApp
from kivymd.uix.list import ThreeLineListItem
class Testing(BoxLayout):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def pop_list(self):
peeps = range(0, 10)
for peep in peeps:
ThreeLineListItem(id='item', text=f"Line {peep}",
secondary_text=f"Line {peep}",
tertiary_text=f"Line {peep}"))
# on_release= example_function()
def example_function(self):
# stores first line of text from the three line list
# moves to other screen in screen manager defined in kv
class TestingApp(MDApp):
orientation: "vertical"
pos_hint: {"x":0.3}
text: "add"
on_press: root.pop_list()
pos_hint: {"top":1}
id: container
as the example shows im trying to use an on_release to trigger a def function that captures the first line text of the specific list item clicked and moves to a different screen.
while i have had to use id's, object and string properties in other areas i admit im at the "partial under standing" stage with these things and would appreciate a helping hand!
and one other thing id like to ask while im here and its in my head,
where do i find the modules and examples for teh kivy and kivymd widgets? on my searches it keeps popping up as a good way to learn to read their code are they are in the site packages folder of my venv? ( using pycharm btw )
Thanks again Folks! :)
Add the on_release
to each ThreeLineListItem
def pop_list(self):
peeps = range(0, 10)
for peep in peeps:
ThreeLineListItem(id='item', text=f"Line {peep}",
secondary_text=f"Line {peep}",
Then, in the example_function()
def example_function(self, item):
print('example', item.text)