I have a class:
class A {
public string a = "A-val" , b = "B-val";
I want to print the object members by reflection
//Object here is necessary.
Object data = new A();
FieldInfo[] fields = data.GetType().GetFields();
String str = "";
foreach(FieldInfo f in fields){
str += f.Name + " = " + f.GetValue(data) + "\r\n";
Here is the desired result:
a = A-val
b = B-val
Unfortunately this did not work. Please help, thanks.
Once fixed to get rid of the errors (lacking a semi-colon and a bad variable name), the code you've posted does work - I've just tried it and it showed the names and values with no problems.
My guess is that in reality, you're trying to use fields which aren't public. This code:
FieldInfo[] fields = data.GetType().GetFields();
... will only get public fields. You would normally need to specify that you also want non-public fields:
FieldInfo[] fields = data.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
(I hope you don't really have public fields, after all...)