I have a dataframe with three columns, Name, group1 and group2. The 'Name' column shows the different people/cases and both the 'group' columns shows the category these people belong too. Below is an image of how this data set looks:
As we can see from the above data set, the same person can be assigned to multiple groups and I need to pick the highest group they belong too. 01_high being the highest group and 03_low being the lowest group.
As an example, lets take the first case 'Tom', in group1 he belongs to '01_high' and for group 2 'Tom' belongs to '03_low'. I need to create a third group column 'group3' with the higher category. In this case the value in the group3 column for 'Tom' will be '01_high'.
Code to create the data set:
data = {'Name': ['Tom', 'Nick','Jack', 'Ann'],
'group1': ['01_high', '02_medium', '03_low' , '02_medium'],
'group2':['03_low', '03_low', '02_medium', '03_low']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Final desired output:
I'm fairly new to python and not sure how to achieve the desired output so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Here is one option :
df["group3"] = df.filter(like="group").apply(sorted, axis=1).str[0]
Output :
Name group1 group2 group3
0 Tom 01_high 03_low 01_high
1 Nick 02_medium 03_low 02_medium
2 Jack 03_low 02_medium 02_medium
3 Ann 02_medium 03_low 02_medium