I'm using C# and winforms. So I'm trying to build a POS app that has a textbox for barcodes and commands. One of the commands is "t" for total.
I want to implement another command that has a number and the letter "x" after it, for the quantity of the next item scanned or entered. Basically I want to make it so that if you put in "2x" into the textbox, it sets a variable to 2. Is there any easy way to that for any integer number. Like if(txtbarcode.text == int + "x")
(I know this code doesn't work but it's here as an example)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks. EB.
Seems using regular expression can help in this case
Here is the snippet
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var pattern = @"^(-?\d+\.?\d*)x$"; // support negatives and decimal
var match = Regex.Match("123.31x", pattern);
if(match.Success) {
Console.WriteLine(match.Groups[1]); //return numbers only
supported cases