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c#visual-studioiiswebformslocalhost webform site displays "Localhost Refused to connect" when Redirecting to next Page

I have been running an ERP on my localhost, and it was working fine until I encountered a Just-in-time debugger dialog in Visual Studio. When I cancelled the dialog, it caused my login session to time out. After restarting my system and trying to log in again, I now receive a "LocalHost refused to connect" error when the next page tries to load after submitting my login details.

So far, I have tried the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Deleted the Visual Studio folder in the project folder
  • Disabled my firewall
  • Restarted IIS

Can anyone suggest other possible solutions to this issue?


  • I Had to look critically at the Bindings config in my iis and noticed that the ports changed, what i had was 91 instead of 90 for some weird reasons. I also reset the physical path again, restarted visual studio and the website service and it worked.