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pyspark parsing nested json ignoring all the key

I have the single-line JSON. trying to parse and store using Pyspark

Raw file content of 'path.json'

{"number": 34, "tool": {"name": "temp", "guid": null, "version": "2.13:1"}}

code in pyspark

>>> df =, dropFieldIfAllNull=False).json('path.json')
|number|tool                |
|34    |{null, temp, 2.13.1}|

|tool                |
|{null, temp, 2.13:1}|


if you see the structure of the key "tool" is {null, temp, 2.13:1} and when I am storing this to the database it is stored in the same way. However, I want to keep it in the proper key-value format like {"name": "temp", "guid": null, "version": "2.13;1"}.

Storing to database

df2 = df_with_ts.withColumn('tool', col('tool').cast('string'))

df2.write \
    .format("") \
    .option("url", url) \
    .option("dbtable", "temp") \
    .option("tempdir", "path") \
    .mode("append") \

I want this to store like

{"name": "temp", "guid": null, "version": "2.13;1"}


  • AFAIU, what you need is to stringify the tool column, you can do that using the to_json or concat functions.

    The tool column is already a Struct with key and value but packing the Struct into string takes only the list of values.

    A more generic option to dump it as a json is to use to_json

    from pyspark.sql.functions import to_json
    df.withColumn('toolStr', to_json('tool', options={"ignoreNullFields":False})).show(10, False)
    |number|tool                |toolStr                                       |
    |34    |{null, temp, 2.13:1}|{"guid":null,"name":"temp","version":"2.13:1"}|

    If you need a custom format while dumping the Struct, then you can use concat function

    from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, lit, when, isnull, col
    df =, dropFieldIfAllNull=False).json('path.json')
    df.withColumn('toolStr', concat(\
        lit('{"name": '), when(isnull(''), lit('""')).otherwise(col('')),\
        lit(', "guid": '), when(isnull('tool.guid'), lit('""')).otherwise(col('tool.guid')),\
        lit(', "version": '), when(isnull('tool.version'), lit('""')).otherwise(col('tool.version')), lit('}')\
    |number|tool                |toolStr                                      |
    |34    |{null, temp, 2.13:1}|{"name": temp, "guid": "", "version": 2.13:1}|