I have a crude program to read a 4-byte file (0x00000060 or 96). The file is 4-byte long for the sake of simplicity, I don't know its length at the start. I can't figure out how to dereference the buffer and operate its value.
include \masm32\include\masm32rt.inc
include \masm32\macros\macros.asm
FilePath DB "file", 0
hFile DWORD ?
dwFileSize DWORD ?
dwBytesRead DWORD ?
dwHighSize DWORD ?
mem DWORD ?
buffer DWORD ?
bufferData DWORD ?
mov hFile, eax
invoke GetFileSize, hFile, ADDR dwHighSize
mov dwFileSize, eax
invoke GlobalAlloc, GMEM_MOVEABLE or GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwFileSize
mov mem, eax
invoke GlobalLock, mem
mov buffer, eax
invoke ReadFile, hFile, buffer, dwFileSize, ADDR dwBytesRead, 0
invoke CloseHandle, hFile
mov ebx, DWORD PTR buffer ; Don't know what to do here
; Printing str$(ebx) would just result in a random value (same as mov ebx, buffer, so, the address),
; mov ebx, OFFSET buffer would print a fixed value
invoke GlobalUnlock, buffer
invoke GlobalFree, mem
end start
If the 4 bytes contained displayable characters (e.g. 0x31323334 == "1234"), passing buffer to StdOut or outputting it in any other way would print them fine, so I know that the program read the file correctly. How do I get the read value as a 4-byte integer into ebx or a DWORD variable?
mov ebx, buffer
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebx]
did what I wanted and printing str$(eax)
or sdword$(eax)
would output 1610612736, which in hex is 0x60000000, so all I need is to swap endian.