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Find nearest value to zero with gnuplot

I would like to automatically find the nearest value to zero with gnuplot of a column. I tried this but it doesn't work :

stats 'file.dat' u abs($1) 

and then I should have the nearest value to zero by taking STATS_min

-0.018492   -0.00369832
-0.0106795  -0.00352183
-0.00612481 -0.0016998
-0.00221856 -0.00160066
0.00168769  -0.00148317
0.00559394  -0.00135358
0.00950019  -0.00119879
0.0134064   -0.00102774

Do you have any ideas ? Thanks


  • If you did the following and mind the () around abs($1):

    stats $Data u (abs($1)) nooutput
    print STATS_min

    you would get: 0.00168769, which would be correct for your current data.

    However, be careful, if there was a value e.g. -0.0001, this would return +0.0001.

    Hence you have to use "two" columns for stats, one for finding the minimal distance to zero and the other one for returning the value with the original sign. So, on purpose, below I inserted a line -0.0001 -0.99999


    ### get nearest value to zero
    reset session
    $Data <<EOD
    -0.018492   -0.00369832
    -0.0106795  -0.00352183
    -0.00612481 -0.0016998
    -0.00221856 -0.00160066
    -0.0001     -0.99999
    0.00168769  -0.00148317
    0.00559394  -0.00135358
    0.00950019  -0.00119879
    0.0134064   -0.00102774
    stats $Data u 1:(abs($1)) nooutput
    print STATS_pos_min_y
    ### end of script




    Here is an alternative suggestion without stats. In case you want to label the extracted point, you can extract the coordinates during the plot command, i.e. you go through the data only once.


    ### get nearest value to zero
    reset session
    $Data <<EOD
    -0.018492   -0.00369832
    -0.0106795  -0.00352183
    -0.00612481 -0.0016998
    -0.00221856 -0.00160066
    -0.0001     -0.0015
    0.00168769  -0.00148317
    0.00559394  -0.00135358
    0.00950019  -0.00119879
    0.0134064   -0.00102774
    set key noautotitle
    set yzeroaxis
    plot x0=y0=NaN $Data u (x0!=x0?x0=$1:abs($1)<abs(x0)?(y0=$2,x0=$1):$1):2 w p pt 7 lc "red", \
         '+' u (x0):(y0):(sprintf("(%g,%g)",x0,y0)) every ::::0 w labels offset 0,-1 left
    ### end of script


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