I am currently experimenting with babelquarto in order to create a Multilingual quarto Book, and I have utilized the provided code from the babelquarto website for this purpose.
parent_dir <- getwd()
parent_dir = parent_dir
, book_dir = "blop"
Creating project at D:\2023-06-23_babelquarto\blop:
- Created _quarto.yml
- Created index.qmd
- Created intro.qmd
- Created summary.qmd
- Created references.qmd
- Created cover.png
- Created references.bib
readLines(file.path(parent_dir, "blop", "_quarto.yml"))
[1] "project:"
[2] " type: book"
[3] ""
[4] "book:"
[5] " title: \"blop\""
[6] " author: \"MYaseen\""
[7] " date: \"6/16/2023\""
[8] " chapters:"
[9] " - index.qmd"
[10] " - intro.qmd"
[11] " - summary.qmd"
[12] " - references.qmd"
[13] ""
[14] "bibliography: references.bib"
[15] ""
[16] "format:"
[17] " html:"
[18] " theme: cosmo"
[19] ""
[20] "babelquarto:"
[21] " mainlanguage: 'en'"
[22] " languages: ['es', 'fr']"
[23] "title-es: title in es"
[24] "title-fr: title in fr"
[25] "description-es: description in es"
[26] "description-fr: description in fr"
[27] "author-es: author in es"
[28] "author-fr: author in fr"
[29] "lang: en"
dir_tree(file.path(parent_dir, "blop"))
├── cover.png
├── index.es.qmd
├── index.fr.qmd
├── index.qmd
├── intro.es.qmd
├── intro.fr.qmd
├── intro.qmd
├── references.bib
├── references.es.qmd
├── references.fr.qmd
├── references.qmd
├── summary.es.qmd
├── summary.fr.qmd
├── summary.qmd
└── _quarto.yml
which renders only four .qmd document as shown below:
I believe that the provided r should include all three books. However, I'm concerned that I may be overlooking something simple.
Expected Output The expected output is here.
You need to use babelquarto::render_book
, instead of quarto::quarto_render
It would create the corresponding files for other languages,
> fs::dir_tree("./blop/_book", recurse=FALSE)
├── es
├── fr
├── index.html
├── intro.html
├── references.html
├── search.json
├── site_libs
└── summary.html
generates the links for multilingual versions in html files (in index.html
, intro.html
etc) as the following (excerpt from index.html
<li id="language-link-li-es">
<i class="bi bi-globe2"></i><span> </span><a class="toc-action" href="/es/index.es.html" id="language-link-es">Version in ES</a>
<li id="language-link-li-fr">
<i class="bi bi-globe2"></i><span> </span><a class="toc-action" href="/fr/index.fr.html" id="language-link-fr">Version in FR</a>
where the links are,
Similarly from the index.es.html
And as per my understanding, due to the forward slash in front of these relative links, navigation between multilingual versions does not work well with Github pages.
Here's my naive approach to solving this problem.
I have written the following function that receives the _book
directory and goes through each HTML file in that directory and add a base URL in front of these language links where the base-url would be the url of github page like https://<user-name>.github.io/<repo-name>
add_base_url <- function(file_path, base_link) {
html_content <- rvest::read_html(file_path)
lang_links <- html_content %>%
rvest::html_elements('a[id*="language-link"]') %>%
lang_link_with_baseurl <- paste0(base_link, lang_links)
raw_html <- paste(readLines(file_path), collapse="\n")
for (i in seq_along(lang_links)) {
raw_html <- sub(lang_links[i], lang_link_with_baseurl[i], raw_html)
create_abs_lang_link <- function(path, base_link) {
html_files_path <- fs::dir_ls(path, recurse = TRUE, glob="*.html")
for (file_path in html_files_path) {
edited_raw_html <- add_base_url(file_path, base_link)
writeLines(edited_raw_html, file_path)
Render and generate the multilingual quarto book,
This will generate a directory _book
with the rendered html files
Then pass the _book
directory to the function create_abs_lang_link
create_abs_lang_link("_book", base_link = "https://<user-name>.github.io/<repo-name>")
3 . Then host this _book
directory in github pages. The links should work now.
Here's an example github repository and link to Quarto Multilinuage Book