I can execute the following command in Vim and then enter @:
to repeat the command. This works fine:
:windo silent/foo/|wincmd w
However, when I execute the same command within a function, @:
displays an error message saying there is no previous command. How can I get the command within the function to be registered as a command for @:
function! Find_In_Multiple_Windows(pattern)
if !empty(a:pattern)
execute ":windo silent /" . a:pattern . "/|wincmd w"
nnoremap <silent>fw :call Find_In_Multiple_Windows(input("Search for:"))<CR>
Search for: foo
E30: No previous command line
execute ":windo silent /" . a:pattern . "/|wincmd w"
call feedkeys(":windo silent /" . a:pattern . "/|wincmd w\n", "t")
which will literally type the command to the command line and execute it, and so the command will be stored to @: