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Is there any way I can make my program panic rather than deadlock if I have lock a mutex twice in one thread?

From this post, I learned the following:

  1. I can inherit from std::mutex, and check if m_holder equals to the current thread id. I think the way is kind of hack, since it is considered a bad idea to inherit from std class. Moreover, m_holder is some implementation of some C++ library which is not a standard interface
  2. I can use owns_lock of unique_lock. However, it is a bad idea, since the method only checks if the current lock holds the mutex. We don't use unique_lock in this way.
  3. A recursive_mutex can save us from deadlock when we double lock a mutex in a thread. However, we must firstly check our code design before we decide that we really need to use this. However, I think I have a good design. What I need is a runtime check that if a certain mutex is locked twice by a thread, it will crash rather than dead lock. So a recursive_mutex seems not suitable for me.


  • There are ways to have your cake and eat it with the first solution. We could achieve exactly the same result if we wrapped the std::mutex as a member instead of inheriting from it:

    class mutex
        std::mutex m_mutex;
        std::atomic<std::thread::id> m_holder = std::thread::id{};
        void lock()
            // TODO: if we wanted to, we could check locked_by_caller()
            //       and panic if true
            m_holder = std::this_thread::get_id(); 
        bool try_lock()
            if (m_mutex.try_lock()) {
                m_holder = std::this_thread::get_id();
                return true;
            return false;
        void unlock()
        bool locked_by_caller() const
            return m_holder == std::this_thread::get_id();

    Original code provided by @AmiTavory at

    Moreover, m_holder is some implementation of some C++ library which is not a standard interface

    No, you've misunderstood the original code. m_holder is a member we defined ourselves. We're not relying on any particular standard library implementation. In general, standard library members are named something like _M_holder to use reserved names which can't be replaced by macros.