I am creating a new SQL UDF in Snowflake and UDF is created successfully. But when I am passing value while calling the UDF, I am getting below error.
001044 (42P13): SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 20.
Invalid argument types for function 'FNTUSERLIST': (ARRAY)
Here are the steps to replicate the same.
Create Table
Idx Int identity(1,1),
UserName varchar(1000),
UserAge int
Insert Data
insert into UserLoad(UserName,UserAge)
select 'Rahul',39 UNION
select 'Sankalp',38 UNION
select 'Arun',35 ;
Create Function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fntuserList (I_UserName array,I_UserAge array)
RETURNS TABLE (Id int,UserName varchar(256),UserAge int)
select Idx as Id,UserName,UserAge from UserLoad
Call the function
select * from table(fntuserList(ARRAY_CONSTRUCT('1','2')));
Please note that I want to use the input parameters further in sql inside the logic. But as of now unable to call function therefore underlaying logic is incomplete.
Function fntuserList
expects two arrays and they should be provided:
-- empty array
select * from table(fntuserList(['1','2'], []));
-- NULL value
select * from table(fntuserList(['1','2'], NULL::ARRAY));
Also for readability named arguments could be used:
select *
from table(fntuserList(I_UserName => ['1','2'], I_UserAge => []));