I have a snip code to show how a list of events was created.
While tb.MoveNext()
idMenu = tb.Current.Field(Of Integer)("idMenu")
menuName = tb.Current.Field(Of String)("HeaderName")
ClassType = tb.Current?.Field(Of String)("ClassType")
newTreeItem = New TreeViewItem()
Dim clickHandler As New MouseButtonEventHandler(Sub(sender, e)
End Sub)
AddHandler TryCast(newTreeItem, TreeViewItem).PreviewMouseDoubleClick, clickHandler
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End While
In the above code, anything working ok but have a problem is MessageBox.Show
always shows a fixed value at the last of the while loop.
I can't find out how it works. Can you help me with that!
I think you are encountering a problem because of how your Message
is setup in the line:
Sub(sender, e) MessageBox.Show(menuName) End Sub
The variable menuName
is not part of the EventHandler code.
You could try this:
Sub(sender, e)
Dim localMenuName as String = tb.Current.Field(Of String)("HeaderName")
End Sub