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I can't find Bot Channels Registration in App registrations and update client secret

I have a set of bot applications that were created more than 2 years ago (type: Bot Channels Registration).

One of the applications has expired client secret and I need to update it, but these applications are not in the list of App registrations.

I tried to follow this path: My Bot Channels Registration -> Configuration -> Microsoft Asp ID (Manage Password). I was again transferred to App registrations, which does not have my bot. I have administrator rights, there are no other app directory.


  • Here 's what the caliper team replied about this:

    We checked the App registrations for AppID: xxxxxxx-XXXX-XXX-XX Federico confirmed that the AppID is not present in Azure AD. If an app registration is deleted before 30 days ago or permanently deleted. That app cannot be restored in azure portal. You will have to create new App Registration. In Bot also you can’t update the APP ID once it is created. So, you will have re-create the Boot also.

    About just updating the key without creating a registration:

    In this case since the application it doesn’t exist at all anymore, there’s no way to update the client secret just because the application is no longer available.

    As a result, this bot is irretrievably lost, although it is in azure, but it is impossible to create an app registration for it.

    Continuation of the story:

    It turns out that these app registrations are visible here:

    Keys can be added using it:{application-id}/microsoft.graph.addPassword

    But now we have another problem, it turns out that this user simply does not have rights to this application, although this user created them, he sees other applications, no other Directory was created. After we were able to prove that the applications were not deleted, the support team started working a little better. But so far their team can't explain how it happened. We are waiting for the continuation of the story.