So i am making a chat bot with python and i have tried alot of different methods on how to fix the problem any way heres the code
class Game:
def __init__(self, word):
self.guessed_letters = []
self.word = word
# Define tries_left and initialize it to 8
def tries_left():
self.tries_left = 8
def play(self):
dashed_word = ""
while dashed_word != self.word:
send_message("Guess a letter")
guess = read_message()
# Add if to check if letter is not in the word,
# then subtract 1 from tries_left
if guess not in self.word:
send_message("Your guess is wrong")
self.tries_left -= 1
dashed_word = ""
for char in self.word:
if char in self.guessed_letters:
dashed_word += char
dashed_word += "_ "
# Send tries_left after each guess. PROBLEM HERE
send_message("You have " + str(self.tries_left) + " tries left")
send_message("Congratulations! You have guessed the word")
game = Game("snowman")
I need a answer quick
Just change the init function to:
def __init__(self, word):
self.guessed_letters = []
self.word = word
# Define tries_left and initialize it to 8
self.tries_left = 8
In your original code, you defined a function (tries_left
) that assigns the member, but this function has never called.