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"Error creating Cloud Run service: Invalid value for memory limits and maxScale exceeding 80. How to resolve?

I am deploying a Nextjs application, using Firebase Hosting and I encounter this error ....... could not create Cloud Run service PROJECT_ID spec.template.spec.containers.resources.limits.memory: Invalid value specified for memory. For the specified value, maxScale may not exceed 80. Consider running your workload in a region with greater capacity, decreasing your requested memory-per-instances, or requesting an increase in quota for this region if you are seeing sustained usage near this limit, see Your project may gain access to further scaling by adding billing information to your account.

All my functions specify region to europe-west2. I added the region to my firebase json file, Inside package.json file the scripts are set up as follows

"scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start",
    "lint": "next lint",
    "serve": "NODE_ENV=production npm run build && firebase emulators:start --only functions,hosting ",
    "deploy": "firebase deploy --only hosting",
    "deploy:dev": "env-cmd -f .env.development npm run build && firebase deploy --only hosting -P <project-dev>",
    "deploy:prod": "env-cmd -f .env.production npm run build && firebase deploy --only hosting -P <project-prod>"


  • As explained in FirebaseExtended/firebase-framework-tools.

    You can configure the generated functions using "hosting.frameworkBackend" in firebase.json it's the same interface as firebase-functions/v2/https.httpsOptions.