Please note I deleted ANACONDA3\envs
and ANACONDA3\pkgs
as per anaconda docs linked in main answer. Contents of Anaconda directory:
C:\Users\u03132tk>cd C:\ANACONDA3
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 0C73-2057
Directory of C:\ANACONDA3
15/06/2023 11:23 <DIR> .
15/06/2023 11:23 <DIR> ..
15/06/2023 11:12 <DIR> conda-meta
15/06/2023 11:09 <DIR> DLLs
15/06/2023 11:12 <DIR> etc
15/06/2023 11:12 <DIR> include
15/06/2023 11:09 <DIR> Lib
15/06/2023 11:12 <DIR> Library
15/06/2023 11:12 <DIR> libs
08/09/2020 18:10 27,936 msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll
08/03/2023 18:51 4,490,240 python39.dll
08/03/2023 18:51 13,668,352 python39.pdb
15/06/2023 11:12 <DIR> Scripts
24/05/2023 13:51 <DIR> share
15/06/2023 11:23 <DIR> tcl
24/05/2023 13:10 <DIR> Tools
08/09/2020 18:10 44,328 vcruntime140_1.dll
08/03/2023 18:40 524,800 venvlauncher.exe
08/03/2023 18:40 524,288 venvwlauncher.exe
24/10/2022 15:04 87,552 zlib.dll
7 File(s) 19,367,496 bytes
13 Dir(s) 14,452,559,872 bytes free
Original message:
After having dependency issues, I decided to delete and re-install anaconda3. I followed the instructions here (full uninstall --> simple remove - I am on Windows 10). In add or remove programs, I uninstalled both anaconda 3 and then Python 3 (I had installed python 3 externally to conda - I now know this was a terrible idea). I also uninstalled Python Launcher. I now want to re-install anaconda 3, but the anaconda 3 directory is still on my computer (C:\ANACONDA3
- it is 1.62 GB).
I am not sure why it was not removed - is it safe to simply delete it? I suspect that having two copies of Anaconda3 hanging around would be even worse than having multiple Python versions, so would like to be sure before I do anything.
Thanks! Tim
Removing the ANACONDA3
folder is generally safe as conda installs isolated environments to your system
To ensure conda
is completely removed from your system, you will need to make sure its removed from your PATH
environment variables
To do so, follow these steps:
related Variable:Value
pairIf OP still runs into issue with anaconda
installation, you can choose to install a minimal version via MiniForge for the community version replacement of Anaconda
, the minimal installer skips packages which come with Anaconda
After installation, run:
conda create -n firstEnv python=3.11 ipython
to install python 3.11
And install necessary packages via pip install
and conda install
Happy coding!