I have a data type called User currently, and I want it to have two mandatory properties, name and age. In addition, users should be able to add any number of other properties to it. How should I describe it in JSDoc to support this requirement without encountering errors?
* @typedef {object} User
* @property {string} name - user name
* @property {number} age -user age
* @type {User}
const tom={
from:'sh',// error
to:'bj',// error
perhaps you can add a {*} property similar to the any-type described here to get rid of the error
* @typedef {Object} User
* @property {string} name - User name (mandatory)
* @property {number} age - User age (mandatory)
* @property {*} [key: value] - Additional properties that users can add (optional)
* @type {User}
const tom = {
name: 'cx',
age: 25,
from: 'sh', // No error
to: 'bj', // No error
Edit: after some searching, I've found this thread. Could you check if this resolves the errors
* @typedef {object} User
* @property {string} name user name
* @property {number} age user age
* @typedef {Object.<string, string>} Descriptor
* @typedef {User & Descriptor} UserWithDetails user with details
* @type {UserWithDetails}
const tom = {
name: "cx",
age: 25,
from: "sh",
to: "bj",
Edit on edit: If the above works perhaps you can even simplify it by doing
* @typedef {object} User
* @property {string} name - User name
* @property {number} age - User age
* @property {Object.<string, string>} [additionalProperties] - Additional key-value pairs
* @type {User}
const tom = {
name: "cx",
age: 25,
from: "sh",
to: "bj",