I'm developing Qwik app in VSCode, there are some special Qwik attributes, for example: q:slot
and bind:value
. However, when I do format, the editor auto add space after colon, so they become: q: slot
and bind: value
My question is, is there any setting to ignore format attributes like that? I'm currently using the default TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features
When I have a code like this, and I format with the default TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features
<div q:slot="heading">
However, the editor splits q:
and slot
so the code became:
<div q: slot="heading">
It should not split q:
and slot
this issue is really similar to this one https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/discussions/6284
I tried many TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features configurations without any success. e.g. disable all javascript.format.insertSpace* and typescript.format.insertSpaceA* configs
Btw you can use prettier because it's so good https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode