how can I solve it (Laravel 10) so that I can query all the rows and the corresponding "instrument_types" from the 3 tables via a model?
Database and Models:
I call it like this in my controller, but it's obviously not good:
$hangszerek = Hangszer::all();
I would like to receive such json data as a response:
"h_id": 1,
"hangszer_nev": "Gitár",
"brutto_ar": 100000,
"kep_url": "",
"cikkszam": "4792146AG",
"leiras": "Nagyon fain gitár",
"tipus_nev":"Type 1"
"tipus_nev":"Type 2"
"h_id": 2,
"hangszer_nev": "Dob",
"brutto_ar": 120000,
"kep_url": "",
"cikkszam": "47924636BF",
"leiras": "Nagyon fain dob",
"tipus_nev":"Type 2"
"tipus_nev":"Type 3"
You need make a relationship many to many between your models read Eloquent: Relationships in laravel documentation then you should make an Eloquent: API Resources to format json as response please read how to do it in laravel documentation