I'm trying to mask a raster using a shapefile in R, specifically using the terra
package. However, I'm encountering an issue where the output after masking is all NaN
values. I've followed the documentation and made sure that the coordinate reference systems (CRS) of both the raster and shapefile match, but the problem persists.
By looking at the two plots, I believe the cause of the problem is that the extension of the raster is incorrect. The latitude should start at -180 up to 180. The raster and shapefiles I am using can be obtain in the following link.
# ---- NOAA global temperature data ----
# Load the terra package
if (!require(terra)) install.packages('terra', repos='https://rspatial.r-universe.dev')
# Load NOAA global temperature data
tmax_2018 <- rast("data/temperature/tmax.2018.nc")
tmax_2018_Jan1 <- tmax_2018[[1]]
> tmax_2018_Jan1
class : SpatRaster
dimensions : 360, 720, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y)
extent : 0, 360, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84
source : tmax.2018.nc
varname : tmax (Daily Maximum Temperature)
name : tmax_1
unit : degC
time : 2018-01-01 UTC
# ---- Ecuador shapefile ----
# Load sf package
if (!require("sf")) install.packages("sf")
# Load Ecuador shapefiles
ecuador_shp <- st_read('data/ecu_shapefiles/ECU_adm1.shp')
ecuador_shp <- st_simplify(ecuador_shp, preserveTopology = TRUE, dTolerance = 100)
# Change the CRS to match the SpatRaster's CRS
ecuador_shp <- st_transform(ecuador_shp, crs(tmax_2018_Jan1))
# Transforming sf class to SpatVector class from terra
ecuador_shp <- vect(ecuador_shp)
> ecuador_shp
class : SpatVector
geometry : polygons
dimensions : 24, 9 (geometries, attributes)
extent : -92.00854, -75.20007, -5.017001, 1.681093 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84
type : <num> <chr> <chr> <num> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
values : 68 ECU Ecuador 1 Azuay Provincia Province NA NA
68 ECU Ecuador 2 Bolivar Provincia Province NA NA
68 ECU Ecuador 3 Cañar Provincia Province NA NA
# ---- Masking ----
tmax_2018_Jan1_ecu <- terra::mask(tmax_2018_Jan1, ecuador_shp)
plot(tmax_2018_Jan1) # Shows an empty plot.
Here is (first) a simplified and condensed version of margusl's answer.
tmax_2018 <- rast("tmax.2018.nc")
tmax_2018 <- rotate(tmax_2018)
ecu <- vect('ecu_shapefiles/ECU_adm1.shp')
tmax_2018_ecu <- crop(tmax_2018, ecu, mask=TRUE)
plot(tmax_2018_ecu, 1)
If you do not want to rotate the raster data, you could shift the vector data instead.
tmax_2018 <- rast("tmax.2018.nc")
ecu <- vect('ecu_shapefiles/ECU_adm1.shp')
secu <- shift(secu, 360)
tmax_2018_secu <- crop(tmax_2018, secu, mask=TRUE)
plot(tmax_2018_secu, 1)
And you could then shift the result. That could be more efficient if that is an issue.
tmax <- shift(tmax_2018_secu, -360)