I am working on a project where I collect geospatial data combined with sensor readings of air quality. I am currently using an Azure Map weighted HeatMap Layer which is working so far. My problem with it is:
I want a heat map where the colors represent the air quality. Currently there is the issue that the heat map melts points that are really close together to one point of a high intensity. When I drive around in my car and collect datapoints I get a high density amount data when I am waiting at a red-light for example. Now the heatmapt has a huge red dot whenever I have to come to a stop and collect several datapoints for a very small area.
Is there a way to solve this? Maybe an easy configuration?
I played around with the weighting of my data-points, but either whole streets where I could drive through in one go will not have any visible data anymore, or spots like red-lights have a huge red dot on the heat map that is not representative of my data.
There are four possible ways I can think of to handle this scenario: