I have a table that looks something like the following:
|Id|Name |FormIds |
|1 |john.doe@blah.co |32132;32323;232323;424323;2323;23232;2323 |
|2 |jane.doe@whatever.co |32323;11123;11321 |
|3 |joe.blow@yeet.co |22324 |
I'm looking for a query that will give me the number of distinct FormId's per user and last row showing total users count and total formids: Example output:
Names |TotalFormIdsPerUser
john.doe@blah.co |7
jane.doe@whatever.co |3
joe.blow@yeet.co |1
3 |11
Thank you in advance!!
You can use string_split
(For splitting the FormIds) and a CTE
Then you use group by
to find the sum and sum total.
with _list as (
select FormIds,Name,s.value value_
from Testf a
cross apply(select * from string_split(a.FormIds,';'))s
select Name as Names, c as TotalFormIdsPerUser
from (
select a.Name,count(a.value_) as c,1 as Type
from _list a
group by a.Name
union all
cast( count(distinct a.Name) as varchar(100)) as name
,count(a.value_) as c
,2 as Type
from _list a
order by Type, c desc