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How to tell PHP static code analysers to read the generic type hint from a callable, instead of expecting the class name as a string?

I'm trying to remove some code duplication that has proven to be prone to human errors.

I created a working sample code at and a demo of PHPStan failing where expected,

On a high level:

  1. I am using DTO capable of creating an object of another class
    1. interface CrudDto defines public function apply(): CrudEntity
    2. class CreatePersonDto implements CrudDto and its apply() method returns a Person
    3. class Person extends CrudEntity
  2. There is a CrudManager class capable of working with my DTO through CrudManager::save(CrudDto $dto): CrudEntity
  3. Calling $crudManager->save($dto) returns whatever the given DTO can create: PersonCreateDto -> Person, CatCreateDto -> Cat and so on, you get the point.

I'm trying to tell CrudManager that it's not returning a CrudEntity, but a Person, or a Cat, etc.

I achieved so by passing the expected class name to my save function and using things described here

But here comes the core of the question (thanks for reading until this point, btw!)

I would love to insulate the strict type checking so that the developer doesn't have to provide the expected type to the save() method via a class-string<T of CrudEntity> $className.

I want to do that because if the DTO knows what class it is creating, it should be able to give that information to whoever wants it.

I added CrudDto::belongsTo(): string that returns the FQCN of whatever the entity the DTO can produce, and I can use that value to enforce the actual type on runtime, but I didn't find a way to inform static code analysers that the class-string is provided by the DTO itself, not by the argument next to it.

Effectively I'm looking for a pseudocode of something like this:

 * @template T of CrudEntity
 * @param class-string<T> $dto::belongsTo()
public function save(CrudDto $dto): CrudEntity;

In other words, I'd like to tell PHPStan, PHPStorm, psalm and others, that if CreatePersonDto::belongsTo() returns Person::class, calling $entityManager->save($personDto) returns Person, not just CrudDto.

Can it be done without passing the expected return value's class name as a method argument of the save() function?


  • Yes, it's definitely possible. See

    First, you need to make your CrudDto interface generic:

    /** @template T of CrudEntity */
    interface CrudDto {
      // ...

    Then, for every DTO implementation specify /** @extends CrudDto<EntityClass> */:

    /** @implements CrudDto<Person> */
    abstract class PersonDto implements CrudDto {
      // ...

    And then you can make the CrudManager::save() method generic:

         * @template T of CrudEntity
         * @param CrudDto<T> $dto
         * @return T
        public function save(CrudDto $dto): CrudEntity {
           // ...