How do I increment strings in python? For example, x should change to y, y to z, z to a. Please note that only the last letter should change. For example, the word Ved should change to Vee, and not Wfe
Other examples: xyz should increment to xza.
def increment(password):
char = password[-1]
i = ord(char[0])
i += 1
if char == 'z':
return password[:-2] + increment(password[-2]) + 'a'
char = chr(i)
return password[:-1] + char
This is basically a cesar cipher, and can be implemented using the str.translate
from string import ascii_lowercase as letters
# build your map of all lowercase letters
# to be offset by 1
m = str.maketrans(dict(zip(letters, (letters[1:] + 'a'))))
# split your string
s = 'xyz'
first, last = s[0], s[1:]
# make the translation using your prebuilt map
newlast = last.translate(m)
print(''.join((first, newlast)))