I need to write a query that finds all data that have for e.g. 0.09 pulgadas
Data in Cosmos is as follows
"itemId": "62909753",
"doc": {
"facets": {
"tamaño de pantalla": [
"0.09 pulgadas"
"deleted": false,
"ttl": -1,
"id": "06e4c982e4f1",
"_ts": 1678962661
I am getting syntax errors and I am unable to query due to following issues
tamaño de pantalla
has spaces and also has special characters.Here, Is the query that finds all data that have for e.g. 0.09 pulgadas
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.doc.facets["tamaño de pantalla"] = ["0.09 pulgadas"]
c.doc.facets["tamaño de pantalla"] This expression retrieves the value of the "tamaño de pantalla" field from the "facets" property of document in the container.
I have used [ ] because 0.09 pulgadas
is present in an array so we should retrieve through an array. Hence, I gave "tamaño de pantalla" in an array.
Below is the item in COSMOS-DB :