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Boolean logic in filters when loading parquet file

I want to remove persons that are born in 1900 and have not died yet.

Code below works, but I need two filters to remove specific rows. Is there a simpler way to remove the rows with one filter?

Minimal code to reproduce:

import pandas as pd

data = [
    (1900, None,),  # needs to be removed
    (1900, 2000,),
    (2000, None,),
    (2000, 2020,),
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['birth', 'death'])

# Rows which do not match the filter predicate will be removed
filters= [
        ('birth', '!=', 1900),
        ('birth', '=', 1900),
        ('death', 'not in', [None]),

df2 = pd.read_parquet('test.parquet', filters=filters)



  • You actually don't need the ('birth', '=', 1900) condition, you can keep rows that are (NOT BIRTH == 1900) OR (DEATH NOT IN NONE), equivalent to NOT (BIRTH == 1900 AND DEATH IN NONE):

    filters= filters= [[('birth', '!=', 1900)], [('death', 'not in', [None])]]
    df2 = pd.read_parquet('test.parquet', filters=filters)

    You could also use:

    import pyarrow.compute as pc
    filters = (pc.field('birth')!=1900) | ~pc.field('death').isin([None])
    # or 
    filters = ~( (pc.field('birth')==1900) & pc.field('death').isin([None]) )


       birth   death
    0   1900  2000.0
    1   2000     NaN
    2   2000  2020.0