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How to create a type trait to avoid writing redundant specializations?

I have a class template with a primary template that is meant to work with any type argument T. However, due to some particular needs, I need to use template specialization like this:

template<typename T>
class foo 
    T result;
    void modify_result(T a)
        result = some_operations(a);

class foo<uint64_t> 
    uint64_t result;
    // notice: uint32_t not the same as our template argument
    void modify_result(uint32_t a)
        result = some_operations(a);

The problem is that I have to create a large number of full specializations for each of my particular cases. If I ever want to modify or add something to the class, I will have to do it for every specialization, which is really bad for maintainability.

I would like to have some sort of type trait that checks the type of T. If T is of a certain type e.g. uint64_t, then we know that the input of the method or certain variables inside the method need to be of type uint32_t. This would enable me to customize my template without additional maintenance costs.


  • You can define a type trait, and add specialization for each particular type, like:

    template <typename T>
    struct parameter_type {
        using type = T;
    template <>
    struct parameter_type<uint64_t> {
        using type = uint32_t;

    Then use it as:

    template<typename T>
    class foo {
        T result;
        void modify_result(typename parameter_type<T>::type a) {
            result = some_operations(a);