I have different text's that look like the following:
"1. do some whatever. 2. Whatever you do. 3. Idk.
I want to insert a new line before a number followed by a dot appears.
How can i do that?
If you have a String and want to manually insert new lines you can just use the \n
character which is a new line.
"1. do some whatever.\n2. Whatever you do.\n3. Idk."
On the other hand, if you want to do it programmatically, you need to look a RegExp
Something like the following could fit your scenario, it check all number + dot and add a \n before it but not the first one.
String addNewLineBeforeNumber(String input) {
return input.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'(?<!^)(\d+\.)'), (match) => '\n${match.group(0)}');