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Can't find any documentation about some arguments of manim code

I was just looking at the example gallery of the community version of manim and was looking at this example and I noticed things that I couldn't find anything about what they were called much less how to use them. For example:

VGroup(title, basel).arrange(DOWN)


grid_transform_title.move_to(grid_title, UL)

I don't know what the .arrange(...) or .move_to(...) things are called and just need something to point me in the right direction to where I can learn more about these. Thank you for your time.


  • .arrange() is a method which VGroup inherits from its parent MObject and it is described under this object's documentation page: Mobject().arrange() documentation

    .move_to() does exactly what it sounds like, it moves an object to a new position. It is explained in the Quickstart and also on Mobject's documentation page: Mobject().move_to() documentation

    The search function on the ManimCE website is actually quite good. Also there is a direct link from every object and method to the underlying source code.