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Getting 401 unauthorized status in an API

I was making a POST request in nutritionix API using requests module. In one of the API route which is, which returns all the necessary details for any food item if we pass json as {"query": <any_name>} and headers as x-app-id and x-app-key.

It works fine in Postman, but in Python it shows 401 unauthorized status if I fetch the x-app-id and x-app-key from .cfg file.

The format of that cfg file is


I am fetching all those keys using configparser module, I am able to print those keys in the terminal, but it shows 401 error. But if I directly paste these keys into the code directly (which is not recommended), it is showing 200 status.

I am pasting the code below for reference:

import requests
from configparser import ConfigParser

config = ConfigParser()'./secrets.cfg')

x_app_id = config['nutritionix']['API_ID']
x_app_key = config['nutritionix']['API_KEY']

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    "x-app-id": x_app_id,
    "x-app-key": x_app_key,

url = ''

def get_details(prompt: str):
    food_details =, headers=headers, json={"query": prompt})

I don't know why the API key and the ID is not fetching from cfg file, whereas in other files, it is fetching properly.

I was expecting to fetch the API keys from cfg and show the required result from the API.


  • This code will works

    import requests
    from configparser import ConfigParser
    import json
    config = ConfigParser()'./secrets.cfg')
    x_app_id = config['nutritionix']['API_ID']
    x_app_key = config['nutritionix']['API_KEY']
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        "x-app-id": x_app_id,
        "x-app-key": x_app_key,
    url = ''
    def get_details(prompt: str):
        food_details =, headers=headers, json={"query": prompt})
        print(json.dumps(food_details.json(), indent=2))
    get_details('for breakfast i ate 2 eggs, bacon, and french toast')

    And credential without " or ' in secrets.cfg file.



    $ python3 
    Status Code 200
    JSON Response  {
      "foods": [
          "food_name": "eggs",
          "brand_name": null,
          "serving_qty": 2,
          "serving_unit": "large",
          "serving_weight_grams": 100,
          "nf_calories": 143,
          "nf_total_fat": 9.51,
          "nf_saturated_fat": 3.13,
          "nf_cholesterol": 372,
          "nf_sodium": 142,
          "nf_total_carbohydrate": 0.72,
          "nf_dietary_fiber": 0,
          "nf_sugars": 0.37,
          "nf_protein": 12.56,
          "nf_potassium": 138,
          "nf_p": 198,
          "full_nutrients": [
              "attr_id": 203,
              "value": 12.56

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