I have a dataset, that contains only images. I need to input it as a dataframe.
I tried to do this with load_files function from sklearn:
data = load_files(path)
And tried to create a dataframe with output of the function above and pd.Dataframe function, but id didn't workout
The result should contain filepaths and labels as on the picture below enter image description here
You can use :
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
df = pd.DataFrame(
[{"Filepath": str(img), "Labels": img.parent.name,
"View": f'<img src="{img}" width="200" height="200">'} # View is optional
for img in Path("images").rglob("*.png")] # or `*.*` if you have mixed formats
df.style # `.style` is optional
Output :
Tree used :
┣━━ category1
┃ ┗━━ foo
┃ ┣━━ gis_exchange.png
┃ ┗━━ stackoverflow.png
┗━━ category2
┗━━ bar
┣━━ ask_ubuntu.png
┗━━ stack_apps.png