I've a dataset that looks like this:
uuid | lang | name | text | abc | ijk |
1231312 | en | general | this is a foo bar | 0.23 | 8 |
1231312 | en | general | this is a foo bar | 0.93 | 58 |
9890803 | en | general | another sent | 0.38 | 29 |
And a working query that looks like this:
CREATE temp TABLE new_xyz sortkey(
uuid, lang, name, text
) distkey(uuid) as (
uuid, lang, name, text, min(abc) as abcs, sum(ijk) as ijks
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4
ORDER BY 1,2,3,4
And there's another table that looks like this:
uuid | trg_lang | rst |
1231312 | de | 0.95 |
1231312 | de | 0.34 |
And I've a 2nd query that looks like this:
CREATE temp TABLE new_qqq sortkey(
uuid, trg_lang
) distkey(uuid) as (
uuid, trg_lang, min(rst) as rsts
And a final join query that looks like:
SELECT * from new_xyz nxyz
INNER JOIN new_qqq nqqq
ON nxyz.uuid = nqqq.uuid
To produce something like:
uuid | lang | name | text | abc | ijk | trg_lang | rst |
1231312 | en | general | this is a foo bar | 0.23 | 66 | de | 0.34 |
Is it possible to combine the 3 queries into 1?
To do so, I guess my question indirectly would be:
Can the first two queries that uses distkey(uuid)
be done without creating a temporary data? If so, then we can do something like this
SELECT uuid, lang, name, text, abcs, ijks, trg_lang, rsts
(SELECT ... FROM xyz without the distkey) nxyz
(SELECT ... FROM qqq without the distkey) nqqq
ON (nxyz.uuid = nqqq.uuid)
To make a single query use the subqueries. Below is the subquery for the mentioned tables in the above: -
SELECT nxyz.uuid, nxyz.lang, nxyz.name, nxyz.text, nxyz.abcs, nxyz.ijks, nqqq.trg_lang, nqqq.rsts
SELECT uuid, lang, name, text, MIN(abc) AS abcs, SUM(ijk) AS ijks
FROM original_xyz
GROUP BY uuid, lang, name, text
) AS nxyz
SELECT uuid, trg_lang, MIN(rst) AS rsts
FROM another_table
GROUP BY uuid, trg_lang
) AS nqqq
ON nxyz.uuid = nqqq.uuid
The nxyz and nqqq subqueries perform same logic as first two queries. The result from nxyz and nqqq are stored in the subquery uuid.