I'm writing an Angular app and setting up a system where an NGRX effect will request data to a service.
Underlyingly, this service will do two things:
I would like to define an observable response of this service which would emit either only the API's response (in case it was first/local cache miss) or local and then API in that order. I've visualised these 2 scenarios below:
Scenario 1 (API is first/cache miss)
API ---1
CACHE ---------2
MERGE ---1
Scenario 2 (Cache hit)
API ---------1
CACHE ---2
MERGE ---2-----1
I'm thinking of creating a Subject, then firing off both calls and completing the Subject when the API responds (either successfully or with an error).
Pseudo code:
const subject = new Subject();
this.cache.getData().then(res => subject.next(res)).catch(err => subject.error(err));
this.api.getData().then(res => subject.next(res)).catch(err => subject.error(err)).finally(() => subject.complete());
return subject.asObservable();
But I'm wondering if there's a cleaner solution to what I'm trying to achieve here? Any input greatly appreciated.
If I understand correctly, you want to fire two calls, A) API, B) Cache. If A returns first emit that result, but not response from B. If B returns first, emit that, but then also emit response from A when it arrives.
Essentially, you always want response from A. You only want response from B if it is received before A.
If that's the case you could define two source observables and merge
private apiData$ = defer(() => this.api.getData()).pipe(share());
private cachedData$ = defer(() => this.cache.getData()).pipe(
filter(existing => !!existing),
data$ = merge(this.cachedData$, this.apiData$);
Here we use defer
to turn your Promise into Observable upon subscription.
is using share()
because we are going to end up with two subscriptions and we don't want fire separate calls for each subscription.
uses filter
to suppress emissions you don't want (when data doesn't exist in cache).
is used to complete the cachedData$
observable when api$
emits any value, therefore cachedData$
will never emit after apiData$
Finally, merge
is used to combine both sources into a single observable, so data$
will emit whenever either source emits.
Here's a StackBlitz.