I'm trying to create a container on Docker using Linux I'm trying to run
docker run hello-world
And I get an error
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error jailing process inside rootfs: pivot_root .: invalid argument: unknown.
Unfortunately, my system does not have apt
or dpkg
This is why I am limited in use, I have full root access on my system
my system info
Linux localhost 5.13.x #1 SMP Fri Apr 14 00:13:58 CST 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I've tried to run docked
and these are the outputs
root@localhost:/volume1/.@root # dockerd ... WARN[2023-06-08T19:55:02.790387966+03:00] Failed to find ip6tables: exec: "ip6tables": executable file not found in $PATH WARN[2023-06-08T19:55:02.821529061+03:00] Could not load necessary modules for Conntrack: Running modprobe nf_conntrack failed with message: modprobe: invalid option -- 'a' BusyBox v1.31.1 (2023-04-14 03:02:50 CST) multi-call binary. Usage: modprobe [-rq] MODULE [SYMBOL=VALUE]... -r Remove MODULE -q Quiet, error: exit status 1 INFO[2023-06-08T19:55:02.898668345+03:00] Default bridge (docker0) is assigned with an IP address Daemon option --bip can be used to set a preferred IP address INFO[2023-06-08T19:55:02.916840721+03:00] Loading containers: done.
WARN[2023-06-08T19:55:02.917174613+03:00] Could not get operating system name: Error opening /usr/lib/os-release: open /usr/lib/os-release: no such file or directory WARN[2023-06-08T19:55:02.917207803+03:00] Could not get operating system version: Error opening /usr/lib/os-release: open /usr/lib/os-release: no such file or directory INFO[2023-06-08T19:55:02.970614869+03:00] Docker daemon
commit=42c8b31 graphdriver(s)=overlay2 version=20.10.22 INFO[2023-06-08T19:55:02.970648693+03:00] Daemon has completed initialization INFO[2023-06-08T19:55:02.984664788+03:00] API listen on /var/run/docker.sock
I can't put all outputs here, I don't know why
It was working fine, but I don't know what's wrong now. Can someone help me solve the problem, please?
The pivot_root issue should be related to the ramdisk filesystem that is not a supported on overlay2
So set the environemnt variable for dockerd about ramdisk: