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How to make precise function annotation after Partial applied

Given a function:

def foobar(foo: int, bar: str, spam: SpamService) -> str:
    return spam.serve(foo, bar)

This function, similar in look to FastAPI endpoints, define two parameters as "normal" parameters, and one "Service", an abstract class. I want to "reuse" the foobar function like I reuse a FastAPI endpoint in a router, and register n "version" of the function given n dependencies.


foobar_rabbit = inject(foobar, RabbitService)
foobar_snake = inject(foobar, SnakeService)
foobar_rabbit(1, "rabot")
foobar_snake(2, "sniky")

I can use functools.partial to do that, but I want the dependancy to be injected as a correct parameter without relying on position or keyword args.

This mean that a function that require two dependencies like:

def foobar(foo: int, egg: EggService, spam: SpamService) -> str:
    return spam.serve(foo, egg.do_stuff())

Can be registered like this:

foobar_1 = inject(foobar, SpamService1, EggService2)
foobar_1_ = inject(foobar, EggService2, SpamService1)  # result in the same Partial

To do that, I did this code (should run as is on python 3.11, no external dep):

import abc
import functools
import inspect
import typing

class Service(abc.ABC):

class ServiceA(Service):
    def method_a(a: int) -> str:
        This method do something.

class ServiceA1(ServiceA):
    def method_a(a: int) -> str:
        return f"A1: {a}"

def inject(
        func: typing.Callable,
        *services: typing.Type[Service]
) -> functools.partial:
    annotations = inspect.get_annotations(func)
    del annotations["return"]

    bind_services = {
        key: service
        for key, value in annotations.items()
        if issubclass(value, Service)
        for service in services
        if issubclass(service, value)

    return functools.partial(func, **bind_services)

def foobar(foo: int, spam: ServiceA) -> str:
    return spam.method_a(foo)

foobar_A1 = inject(foobar, ServiceA1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(foobar_A1(1))  # A1: 1

The issue is the signature of foobar_A1. If I don't send any arguments, Pycharm won't raise a warning, and mypy won't find any error.

I tried many alternative using typing.TypeVar for example but nothing works.

Here an example of a non working solution:

_SERVICE = typing.TypeVar("_SERVICE", bound=Service)
_RETURN = typing.TypeVar("_RETURN")

def inject(
        func: typing.Callable[[..., _SERVICE], _RETURN],
        *services: typing.Type[Service]
) -> functools.partial[typing.Callable[[_SERVICE, ...], _RETURN]]:

But mypy complains and it's not creating the expected signature (I'm not used to this kind of annotation wizardry yet).

Expected signature: (foo: int) -> str


  • As I stated in my initial comment, the current Python typing system is unfortunately not powerful enough to make your inject function look the way you want. (Just like there is no way to properly annotate functools.partial.)

    It can accept a function f with an arbitrary signature and returns a function g with a subset of the parameters of f. But which exact parameters of f remain in g depends on which of them were of a specific type. Even with generics (TypeVar and ParamSpec) you cannot express this fully in Python.

    1) Simple alternatives

    What you can do is tell type checkers that inject returns a function of the same type as the function that you pass to it:

    from import Callable
    from typing import ParamSpec, TypeVar
    P = ParamSpec("P")
    R = TypeVar("R")
    class Service:
    def inject(func: Callable[P, R], *services: type[Service]) -> Callable[P, R]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]
    class ServiceA(Service):
        def meth(n: int) -> str:
            return "a" * n
    def foo(n: int, spam: type[ServiceA]) -> str:
        return spam.meth(n)
    foo_a = inject(foo, ServiceA)
    reveal_type(foo_a)  # def (n:, spam: Type[ServiceA]) -> builtins.str

    Now if all you want to do with the inject function is reuse it internally in your own package without documenting/exposing it publicly, you can simply tell a type checker, what type the injected "partial" functions have by annotating them accordingly. Here you have a couple of options.

    a) Using Callable

    Knowing what the call signature of your injected functions will be, you can simply annotate them with a corresponding Callable subtype:

    def foo(n: int, spam: type[ServiceA]) -> str:
        return spam.meth(n)
    foo_a: Callable[[int], str] = inject(foo, ServiceA)
    reveal_type(foo_a)  # def ( -> builtins.str

    That assignment will of course cause a type checker to raise an error because it will see that Callable[[int], str] is not a supertype of what inject returns in that call, namely Callable[[int, Type[ServiceA]], str].

    But again, since you are just doing this for your own benefit, you do not need to worry about that too much. You can either 1) silence the type checker with a type: ignore directive or 2) force it to accept the type by casting it explicitly:

    def foo(n: int, spam: type[ServiceA]) -> str:
        return spam.meth(n)
    from typing import cast
    foo_a_1: Callable[[int], str] = inject(foo, ServiceA)  # type: ignore[assignment]
    foo_a_2 = cast(Callable[[int], str], inject(foo, ServiceA))
    reveal_type(foo_a_1)  # def ( -> builtins.str
    reveal_type(foo_a_2)  # def ( -> builtins.str

    Both of those work, but the solution has a few drawbacks. Callable is not expressive enough to to define parameter names (notice how the revealed type is missing the name n as opposed to the very first example). You also cannot make distinctions between positional/keyword arguments at all. If those are issues for you, you might want to use a different approach.

    b) Using a Protocol

    To have more fine-grained control over the call signature, you can define your own protocol for the function in question. Say for example you wanted the n parameter in foo to be positional-only:

    def foo(n: int, /, spam: type[ServiceA]) -> str:
        return spam.meth(n)
    from typing import Protocol, cast
    class PartialFoo(Protocol):
        def __call__(self, n: int) -> str: ...
    class PartialFoo(Protocol):
        def __call__(self, n: int, /) -> str: ...
    foo_a = cast(PartialFoo, inject(foo, ServiceA))
    reveal_type(foo_a)         # PartialFoo
    foo_a_output = foo_a(1)
    reveal_type(foo_a_output)  # builtins.str
    foo_a(1, ServiceA)         # error: Too many arguments for "__call__" of "PartialFoo"  [call-arg]
    foo_a(n=1)                 # error: Unexpected keyword argument "n" for "__call__" of "PartialFoo"  [call-arg]

    Again, you have the option of either using # type: ignore or cast to enforce your type for foo_a; I chose the latter here because PyCharm seems to get confused with the former. (Bug)

    As you can see, the drawback here is that Mypy for example will display the type of foo_a as PartialFoo because that is what we called the protocol and not display something like (n: int) -> str. That is of course because a protocol can be much more than just a callable, so reducing its representation to the call signature would not make much sense.

    But you can also see that it allows you to correctly specify everything about the callable including parameter names and categories.

    c) Using the TYPE_CHECKING hook

    Since you only care about influencing static analysis and don't want to affect the runtime at all, another option is to use the TYPE_CHECKING constant and effectively create a stub for your function withing a conditional block that is only ever looked at by a type checker and never actually executed:

    def foo(n: int, spam: type[ServiceA]) -> str:
        return spam.meth(n)
    from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
        def foo_a(n: int) -> str: ...
        foo_a = inject(foo, ServiceA)
    reveal_type(foo_a)  # def (n: -> builtins.str

    Just to be clear: This is a literal ellipsis in the body of that foo_a stub! There is no need to provide an actual (even a dummy) implementation.

    This may be the best option in your case because you still get the default function representation from the type checker for foo_a (not a protocol name) and you have all the freedom to express the signature with names and such.

    The drawback is that it arguably makes the code a bit harder to read, unless you know what purpose those conditionals serve.

    2) Partial solution/workaround

    Depending on how flexible you are with the design of the functions that you want to pass to inject, you can actually design it in a generic way to make the tricks mentioned above unnecessary.

    If you could restrict yourself to making those functions (like foo above) take the Service classes as their very first arguments only, you could write a generic signature for inject using Concatenate and ParamSpec that expresses this "swallowing" of the first n function parameters.

    The idea is to then define multiple specific overloads for the anticipated/common uses of inject and one catch-all signature for the rest.

    Something like this could work:

    from import Callable
    from typing import Concatenate, ParamSpec, TypeVar, overload
    P = ParamSpec("P")
    R = TypeVar("R")
    S1 = TypeVar("S1", bound="Service")
    S2 = TypeVar("S2", bound="Service")
    S3 = TypeVar("S3", bound="Service")
    class Service:
    def inject(
        func: Callable[Concatenate[type[S1], P], R],
        service1: type[S1],
    ) -> Callable[P, R]: ...
    def inject(
        func: Callable[Concatenate[type[S1], type[S2], P], R],
        service1: type[S1],
        service2: type[S2],
    ) -> Callable[P, R]: ...
    def inject(
        func: Callable[Concatenate[type[S1], type[S2], type[S3], P], R],
        service1: type[S1],
        service2: type[S2],
        service3: type[S3],
    ) -> Callable[P, R]: ...
    def inject(
        func: Callable[P, R],
        *services: type[Service],
    ) -> Callable[P, R]: ...
    def inject(  # type: ignore[empty-body]
        func: Callable[..., R],
        *services: type[Service],
    ) -> Callable[..., R]:

    And here is how you would use it:

    class ServiceA(Service):
        def meth(a: int) -> str:
            return "A..."
    class ServiceA1(ServiceA):
        def meth(a: int) -> str:
            return f"A1: {a}"
    class ServiceA2(ServiceA):
        def meth(a: int) -> str:
            return f"A2: {a}"
    def foo(spam: type[ServiceA], n: int) -> str:
        return spam.meth(n)
    def bar(spam: type[ServiceA], eggs: type[ServiceA], n: int) -> str:
        return spam.meth(n) + eggs.meth(n)
    foo_A1 = inject(foo, ServiceA1)
    bar_A1 = inject(bar, ServiceA1)
    bar_A2 = inject(bar, ServiceA2)
    bar_A1_A2 = inject(bar, ServiceA1, ServiceA2)
    reveal_type(foo_A1)     # def (n: -> builtins.str
    reveal_type(bar_A1)     # def (eggs: Type[ServiceA], n: -> builtins.str
    reveal_type(bar_A2)     # def (eggs: Type[ServiceA], n: -> builtins.str
    reveal_type(bar_A1_A2)  # def (n: -> builtins.str

    As you can see, a competent type checker is able to correctly infer the types of those foo and bar variations after applying the inject function because our overloads accommodate those injection calls.

    Obviously, this particular version will break down once we want to use it with a function that takes more than three service arguments in the beginning and we will be left in the same situation as the one I laid out in the very beginning.

    Also, as I mentioned above, the limitations of Concatenate necessitate that the functions passed to inject take those service classes before all the other arguments. The parameter specification passed to Concatenate must be at the end, so there is no way to express "swallowing" an argument after the generic parameter type variable.

    But once again, if you are the one in control of where inject is used (as opposed to the user of your package), this may be good enough for you.