I set up an Arduino to give this kind of input:
I want the numbers to be send to Python to acess and process them. It works for one or two lines until this error appears
'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 1: invalid start byte
The problem is related to this line
arduino_data = arduino_data[0:len(arduino_data)].decode("utf-8")
This is the complete function:
import time
import schedule
import pandas as pd
def main_func():
arduino = serial.Serial('COM3', 9600)
print('Established serial connection to Arduino')
arduino_data = arduino.readline()
arduino_data = arduino_data[0:len(arduino_data)].decode("utf-8")
decoded_values = str(arduino_data)
list_values = decoded_values.split('x')
for item in list_values:
print(f'Collected readings from Arduino: {list_in_floats}')
arduino_data = 0
print('Connection closed')
I tried changing the arduino code to give a different data type. neither float nor int worked so I started looking into the documentation and the pyhton script but i found nothing so far. what is strange is that it works a couple of times and den suddendly doesnt.
So I tried different encodings (utf-8, cp1252, iso-8859-1, latin1, utf-16) and it turned out that this did not solve my problem but using 'latin1' helped me find out that one of my sensors gave weird redings sometimes. I added a try-loop to filter them and now my code is running even if some errors occur
def main_func():
arduino_data = arduino.readline()
dec = 'latin1' # Möglichkeiten: utf-8, cp1252, iso-8859-1, latin1, utf-16
arduino_data2 = arduino_data[0:len(arduino_data)].decode(dec)
decoded_values = str(arduino_data2)
list_values = decoded_values.split('x') # am x werden die Daten getrennt
timestamp = str(time.time())
for item in list_values:
list_in_floats.append(float(item)) # die augeteilten Daten in eine Liste setzen
df.loc[len(df.index)] = list_in_floats # Daten in DataFrame speichern
# print(list_in_floats[0]) # druckt piezo_spannung
print("An exception occurred", arduino_data[0:len(arduino_data)].decode(dec))
arduino_data = 0