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How to rearrange ROW_NUMBER() items in SQL using MS Access as a front end?

I have this table in Microsoft SQL Server:

OrderDetailID (PK IDENTTIY) OrderID (FK tblOrders)
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 2

Then I use the ROW_NUMBER() function to display a unique item number for each order, like this:


The output is:

ItemNo OrderDetailID (PK IDENTTIY) OrderID (FK tblOrders)
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 1
1 4 2
2 5 2

I want users in MS Access to be able to rearrange the ItemNo. For example, a user wants to move ItemNo 2 within OrderID 1 one place up. Meaning, this item will become ItemNo 1, and the original ItemNo 1 will become ItemNo 2.

How do I achieve this? Is it better to do on the SQL side or the front end side?


  • This can be done with the function RowPriority found at my repository at GitHub: VBA.RowNumbers.

    Notice the demo folder with a zip containing a working demo in Access.

    ' Set the priority order of a record relative to the other records of a form.
    ' The table/query bound to the form must have an updatable numeric field for
    ' storing the priority of the record. Default value of this should be Null.
    ' Requires:
    '   A numeric, primary key, typical an AutoNumber field.
    ' Usage:
    '   To be called from the AfterUpdate event of the Priority textbox:
    '       Private Sub Priority_AfterUpdate()
    '           RowPriority Me.Priority
    '       End Sub
    '   and after inserting or deleting records:
    '       Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
    '           RowPriority Me.Priority
    '       End Sub
    '       Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
    '           RowPriority Me.Priority
    '       End Sub
    '   Optionally, if the control holding the primary key is not named Id:
    '       Private Sub Priority_AfterUpdate()
    '           RowPriority Me.Priority, NameOfPrimaryKeyControl
    '       End Sub
    '       Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
    '           RowPriority Me.Priority, NameOfPrimaryKeyControl
    '       End Sub
    '       Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
    '           RowPriority Me.Priority, NameOfPrimaryKeyControl
    '       End Sub
    ' 2022-03-12. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
    Public Sub RowPriority( _
        ByRef TextBox As Access.TextBox, _
        Optional ByVal IdControlName As String = "Id")
        ' Error codes.
        ' This action is not supported in transactions.
        Const NotSupported      As Long = 3246
        Dim Form                As Access.Form
        Dim Records             As DAO.Recordset
        Dim RecordId            As Long
        Dim NewPriority         As Long
        Dim PriorityFix         As Long
        Dim FieldName           As String
        Dim IdFieldName         As String
        Dim Prompt              As String
        Dim Buttons             As VbMsgBoxStyle
        Dim Title               As String
        On Error GoTo Err_RowPriority
        Set Form = TextBox.Parent
        If Form.NewRecord Then
            ' Will happen if the last record of the form is deleted.
            Exit Sub
            ' Save record.
            Form.Dirty = False
        End If
        ' Priority control can have any Name.
        FieldName = TextBox.ControlSource
        ' Id (primary key) control can have any name.
        IdFieldName = Form.Controls(IdControlName).ControlSource
        ' Prepare form.
        DoCmd.Hourglass True
        Form.Painting = False
        ' Current Id and priority.
        RecordId = Form.Controls(IdControlName).Value
        PriorityFix = Nz(TextBox.Value, 0)
        If PriorityFix <= 0 Then
            PriorityFix = 1
            TextBox.Value = PriorityFix
            Form.Dirty = False
        End If
        ' Disable a filter.
        ' If a filter is applied, only the filtered records
        ' will be reordered, and duplicates might be created.
        Form.FilterOn = False
        ' Rebuild priority list.
        Set Records = Form.RecordsetClone
        While Not Records.EOF
            If Records.Fields(IdFieldName).Value <> RecordId Then
                NewPriority = NewPriority + 1
                If NewPriority = PriorityFix Then
                    ' Move this record to next lower priority.
                    NewPriority = NewPriority + 1
                End If
                If Nz(Records.Fields(FieldName).Value, 0) = NewPriority Then
                    ' Priority hasn't changed for this record.
                    ' Assign new priority.
                        Records.Fields(FieldName).Value = NewPriority
                End If
            End If
        ' Set default value for a new record.
        TextBox.DefaultValue = NewPriority + 1
        ' Reorder form and relocate record position.
        ' Will fail if more than one record is pasted in.
        Set Records = Form.RecordsetClone
        Records.FindFirst "[" & IdFieldName & "] = " & RecordId & ""
        Form.Bookmark = Records.Bookmark
        ' Enable a filter.
        Form.FilterOn = True
        ' Present form.
        Form.Painting = True
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        Set Records = Nothing
        Set Form = Nothing
        Exit Sub
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case NotSupported
                ' Will happen if more than one record is pasted in.
                Resume PreExit_RowPriority
            Case Else
                ' Unexpected error.
                Prompt = "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
                Buttons = vbCritical + vbOKOnly
                Title = Form.Name
                MsgBox Prompt, Buttons, Title
                ' Restore form.
                Form.Painting = True
                DoCmd.Hourglass False
                Resume Exit_RowPriority
        End Select
    End Sub

    Full documentation in my article at Experts Exchange:

    Sequential Rows in Microsoft Access