I am trying to scrape the tables from the following link: https://www.mlbdraftleague.com/mahoning-valley/roster
url <- "https://www.mlbdraftleague.com/mahoning-valley/roster"
page <- read_html(url) %>%
html_table(fill = T)
I tried that and it returned empty Dfs with the right amount of tables (5) and the right amount of columns, but the dataframes are empty. All help is appreciated.
"https://statsapi.mlb.com/api/v1/teams/545/roster?hydrate=person(rosterEntries,education,stats(type=season,season=2023,sportId=22,teamId=545))&rosterType=active&season=2023&sportId=22" %>%
request() %>%
req_perform() %>%
resp_body_json(simplifyVector = TRUE) %>%
pluck("roster") %>%
unnest(everything(), names_sep = "_")
# A tibble: 41 × 47
person_id person_full_name person_link person_first_name person_last_name person_birth_date person_current_age person_birth_city person_birth_state_p…¹
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
1 813834 AJ Rausch /api/v1/peop… AJ Rausch 2002-03-19 21 Powell OH
2 800677 Ahmad Harajli /api/v1/peop… Ahmad Harajli 2001-08-31 21 Dearborn MI
3 701144 Alex Shea /api/v1/peop… Brian Shea 2001-05-04 22 Union KY
4 701475 Andreaus Lewis /api/v1/peop… Andreaus Lewis 2002-12-10 20 Atlanta GA
5 701499 Andrew Lucas /api/v1/peop… Andrew Lucas 2000-02-04 23 Camarillo CA
6 813836 Braeden O'Shaughnessy /api/v1/peop… Braeden O'Shaughnessy 2000-11-19 22 Poland OH
7 681376 Brandon Hylton /api/v1/peop… Brandon Hylton 2000-02-01 23 Livingston NJ
8 695480 Brennyn Abendroth /api/v1/peop… Brennyn Abendroth 2003-06-07 20 Effingham IL
9 695746 Cale Lansville /api/v1/peop… Cale Lansville 2003-01-06 20 Englewood CO
10 809953 Cam Liss /api/v1/peop… Cameron Liss 2000-04-15 23 Spokane WA
# ℹ 31 more rows