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Android.bp for a Android Studio Native C++ App

Could someone show me an example of Android.bp for the Android Studio Native C++ app to compile it in AOSP source? It can be for the 'hello world' auto generated project.

Is there a tool that auto generates it?

Thank you


  • I am not sure if this is the best approach but I have created an AIDL inteface to bind Java and C++, and then compilated the java code as a android_app, the AIDL part as java_library_static and the C++ code as cc_library_shared in Android.bp file.

    cc_library_shared {
        name: "libjavanativetestapp",
        owner: "Álison Venâncio <>",
        vendor: true,
        srcs: [ "app/src/main/cpp/*.cpp" ],
        header_libs: [ "jni_headers" ],
        shared_libs: [ 
    java_library_static {
        name: "vendor.alvenan.javanativetestapp",
        owner: "Álison Venâncio <>",
        srcs: [ "app/src/main/aidl/**/*.aidl" ],
        installable: true,
        sdk_version: "current",
    android_app {
        name: "JavaNativeTestApp",
        owner: "Álison Venâncio <>",
        srcs: [ "app/src/main/java/**/*.java" ],
        resource_dirs: [ "app/src/main/res" ],
        static_libs: [
        required: [
        optimize: {
            enabled: false
        system_ext_specific: true,
        platform_apis: true,
        certificate: "platform",
        use_embedded_native_libs: true,
        privileged: true,
        manifest: "app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml",

    Here is the full code:

    My only issue is that the app is looking for the shared library in system/lib64 while the compilation is sending the .so to vendor/lib64, but if I copy to system, all works fine.