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Create tests or Mock DiscordJS Fetch/Catch using Jest

I have created a DiscordJS Bot and I am trying to implement automated tests using JestJS. Here's one of the functions I am trying to create tests with:

 * @param {Object} client - Discord Client
export const getSpecificGuild = async (client) => {
    let guild = await client.guilds.fetch(GUILD_ID).catch(() => { return false });

    if (!guild) return false;

    return guild;

The problem that I can't solve right now is trying to create tests for both scenarios:

  • Retrieving a valid Guild (which returns a Guild Object).
  • Invalid Guild retrieval (which returns false).

Below is the current version of my sample.test.js file:

describe('Test getSpecificGuild Function', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {

    const mockGuild = {

    const mockClient = {
        guilds: {
            fetch: jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce({
                catch: jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce(false)

    it(`should return the guild object if the guild doesn't exist.`, async () => {
        expect(await getSpecificGuild(mockClient)).toBe(false);

    it(`should return the guild object if the guild does exist.`, async () => {
        expect(await getSpecificGuild(mockClient)).resolves.toBe(mockGuild);

I found it difficult to mock the fetch/catch part of the program. Because fetch ends if the retrieval is successful and doesn't continue to the catch part unless it runs an error (like a try/catch would do). Upon running the tests, it displays the following:

✓ should return the guild object if the guild doesn't exist. (1 ms)
✕ should return the guild object if the guild does exist.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'catch')

let guild = await client.guilds.fetch(GUILD_ID).catch(() => { return false });

Forgive me if my Jest implementation is wrong and would really appreciate everyone's assistance.


  • That catch is a method on a Promise instance, you should not mock that. You should only mock guilds.fetch().

    Also, your getSpecificGuild() function doesn't accept a guild ID at the moment, so I updated it. And I don't think client.guilds.fetch() will ever return falsy values, so you can remove that too:

    export const getSpecificGuild = async (guildId, client) => {
      let guild = await client.guilds.fetch(guildId).catch(() => {
        return false;
      return guild;

    To mock this, you need to update your mockClient. You could change the behaviour of the fetch function based on the provided guild ID and conditionally return either a resolved Promise or a rejected Promise.

    describe('Test getSpecificGuild Function', () => {
      beforeEach(() => {
      const mockGuild = { ... };
      const VALID_GUILD_ID = '804214837842837';
      const mockClient = {
        guilds: {
          fetch: jest.fn().mockImplementation((guildId) => {
            // Valid guild retrieval
            if (guildId === VALID_GUILD_ID) 
              return Promise.resolve(mockGuild);
            // Invalid guild retrieval
              return Promise.reject(new Error('Guild not found'));
      it(`should return the guild object if the guild does exist.`, async () => {
        // you don't need "resolves.toBe()"" with await
        expect(await getSpecificGuild(VALID_GUILD_ID, mockClient)).toBe(mockGuild);
      it(`should return false if the guild doesn't exist.`, async () => {
        expect(await getSpecificGuild('12345', mockClient)).toBe(false);