I've an editable dropdownlist in the cshtml page as follows. I need to show "PT2" as the default selected value in the dropdownlist instead of "Select".
<input id="ProductType" list="ProductTypeList" name="product-type-list" placeholder="Select">
model => model.ProductType, new SelectList(model.ProductTypeList,"")
public class Product
public string ProductType {get; set;}
public List<string> ProductTypeList {get; set;}
Example values in ProductTypeList : "PT1", "PT2", "PT3"
Wondering if this is possible in the above code? Any thoughts or pointers please??
Thank you.
<input id="ProductType" list="ProductTypeList" name="ProductType" placeholder="@Model.ProductType">
<datalist id="ProductTypeList">
@foreach (var item in Model.ProductTypeList)
@if (item == Model.ProductType)
<option value="@item" selected>@item</option>
<option value="@item" >@item</option>