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Looking for fast binary convolution on GPU

I have a large and small 2d numpy boolean array. I want to know all positions where this smaller array fits on the larger array. If for a specific location no element of the smaller and (sliced) larger array are True at the same time, the result should be True. See it as trying to place an object onto an image without having any overlap with any other items on the image.

For convenience I chose that the result array is indicating the left-top coordinate of where to place the small array and the result array has the same shape as the large array.

I want to optimize this for speed, for this I tried a lot. The most simple approach was to use pytorch:

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

def get_placement_options(large_array, small_array):
    shape = large_array.shape

    # Convert numpy arrays to PyTorch tensors
    large_array = torch.from_numpy(large_array).to('cuda:0').float()
    small_array = torch.from_numpy(small_array).to('cuda:0').float()

    # Convolve symbol over the large_grid
    possible_locations = (F.conv2d(large_array[None, None], small_array[None, None])[0, 0] < .5).cpu().numpy()
    result = np.zeros(shape, dtype='bool')
    result[:possible_locations.shape[0], :possible_locations.shape[1]] = possible_locations
    return result

But I wanted it faster and I was thinking of bitbacking the booleans into an int64. For this new approach I used cupy and wrote my own kernel. This approach does cost more memory but for my use case this is oke, since typically the large array is around (1000x1000) and the smaller array is like (100x100)

I also used a technique called "bitpacking" to efficiently compare patches of 8x8 (int64) using the bitwise AND operator. So the smaller array is bitpacked into int64, for the larger array I can also do this, but have to do it for every 8x8 shift, hence the larger memory usage. Then on the GPU I can very efficiently use the AND operator between two int64 number and if it is not zero, immediately stop for that location.

import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
import time

class Placer:
    def __init__(self):
        kernel_code = """
        extern "C" {
        __global__ void compute(long long int* large_array, long long int* small_array, int* result, int rn, int rm, int n, int m, int k, int l) {
            int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;  // x position in large array we are calculating
            int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;  // y position in large array we are calculating
            if (i <= rn && j <= rm) {
                int r_i = i % 8;  // Which x shift we are looking at
                int r_j = j % 8;  // Which y shift we are looking at
                int sub_array_index = r_i * 8 * n * m + r_j * n * m;

                for (int p = 0; p < k; ++p) {
                    for (int q = 0; q < l; ++q) {
                        if ((small_array[p * l + q] & large_array[sub_array_index + ((i / 8)+p) * m + (j / 8)+q]) != 0) {
                            result[i * rm + j] = 0;


        # Compile the kernel code
        self.compiled_kernel = cp.RawKernel(kernel_code, 'compute')

    def __call__(self, large_array: np.ndarray, small_array: np.ndarray):
        # Result placement coordinates will be left top
        result_np = np.zeros_like(large_array)

        # Make sure small array divisible by 8, add same extra padding to large array
        padding = ((0, (8 - small_array.shape[0] % 8) % 8), (0, (8 - small_array.shape[1] % 8) % 8))
        small_array = np.pad(small_array, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=False)
        K, L = small_array.shape
        large_array = np.pad(large_array, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=True) 

        # Make sure large array divisible by 8
        padding = ((0, (8 - large_array.shape[0] % 8) % 8), (0, (8 - large_array.shape[1] % 8) % 8))
        large_array = np.pad(large_array, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=True) 
        N, M = large_array.shape
        # Creating all 64 shifts and packing them into int64 (on the gpu)
        large_array_cp = cp.array(large_array)
        large_array_cp = cp.pad(self.sliding_window_view_cp(large_array_cp, (8, 8)), ((0, 7), (0, 7), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=True).transpose((2, 3, 0, 1)).copy()
        large_array_cp = cp.packbits(large_array_cp.transpose((0, 1, 3, 2))).reshape(8, 8, large_array.shape[1], large_array.shape[0] // 8)
        large_array_cp = large_array_cp.transpose((0, 1, 3, 2)).copy().view('int64')

        # Convert the small array into int64 as well
        small_array = cp.array(np.packbits(small_array.copy(), axis=0).view(np.int64))
        # Call the kernel function
        block = (32, 32, 1)
        grid = ((N-K+1 + block[0] - 1) // block[0], (M-L+1 + block[1] - 1) // block[1])
        result = cp.ones((N-K+1, M-L+1), dtype=cp.int32)
        self.compiled_kernel(grid=grid, block=block, args=(large_array_cp, small_array, result, N-K+1, M-L+1, N // 8, M // 8, K // 8, L // 8))
        # Ensure the GPU has finished processing

        result = result.astype(cp.bool_).get()
        result_np[:result.shape[0], :result.shape[1]] = result

        return result_np

    def sliding_window_view_cp(arr, window_shape):
        output_shape = arr.shape[:-len(window_shape)] + tuple(i - j + 1 for i, j in zip(arr.shape[-len(window_shape):], window_shape))
        strides = arr.strides + arr.strides[-len(window_shape):]
        return as_strided(arr, shape=output_shape + window_shape, strides=strides)

Although I think in theory this approach should be faster, it is approximately as fast as the first approach. Probably misses some CUDA optimization.

To test I used

large_array = np.random.choice(a=[False, True], size=(1000, 1000))
small_array = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=bool)
small_array[-4:, -4:] = True
large_array[-260:, -260:] = False

which give the following valid locations:

placement locations

The first method took .06 seconds, the second method took .05 seconds.

I can't really believe that nobody has done this before. I think there is a speedup possible but I can't find the library to do this. Anyone has any tips, ideas how to make this faster?


  • I spent some more time in using the cupy library to try making optimized code for cuda / the gpu. Managed to get a +/- 4 times reduction in speed than using the convolutional approach using the pytorch library.

    Thoughts for anyone out there who wants to continue making it faster:

    Let us say we have the two matrices (large and a small one) with MxN and KxL dimensions. Then in total you have to compare elements basically MxNxKxL times, which you can see as the outer product of the two matrices. The large problem in terms of speed is that each binary element is represented as an int16 or larger, partly because GPU's are not made for binary stuff. So you can try to optimize blocks, shared memory etc, but you still have to do lots of int16 operations.

    You can use bitpacking, the approach I tried, but then the conversion from your binary array to int16/32/64 is going to be the bottleneck, partly because of the shifts you have to calculate to be able to efficiently compare on the GPU.

    Here is how far I came and was allowed to pursue this. Note, the cp.roll can be made more efficient, I managed with cp.shift.. to get another factor 1.5 reduction, but then the code did not look elegant anymore. On my pc 1/4 (3ms) of the time (12ms for 1000x1000x100x100) is spent in the kernel and 2/4 (6ms) doing the 64 rolls and bitpacking.

    class Placer:
        def __init__(self):
            kernel_code = """
            extern "C" {
            __global__ void compute(long long int* large_array, long long int* small_array, int* result, int rn, int rm, int n, int m, int k, int l) {
                int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;  // x position in large array we are calculating
                int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;  // y position in large array we are calculating
                long long int a = 0;
                long long int b = 0;
                int sub_array_index = 0;
                if (i < rn && j < rm) {
                    sub_array_index = (i % 8) * 8 * n * m + (j % 8) * n * m + (i / 8) * m + (j / 8);
                    for (int p = 0; p < k; ++p) {
                        for (int q = 0; q < l; ++q) {
                            a = small_array[p * l + q];
                            if (a != 0) {
                                b = large_array[sub_array_index + p * m + q];
                                if (b != 0) {
                                    if ((a & b) != 0) {
                                        result[i * rm + j] = 0;
            # Compile the kernel code
            self.compiled_kernel = cp.RawKernel(kernel_code, 'compute')
        def __call__(self, large_array: np.ndarray, small_array: np.ndarray):
            # Result placement coordinates will be left top
            result_np = np.zeros_like(large_array)
            # Make sure small array divisible by 8, add same extra padding to large array
            padding = ((0, (8 - small_array.shape[0] % 8) % 8), (0, (8 - small_array.shape[1] % 8) % 8))
            small_array = np.pad(small_array, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=False)
            K, L = small_array.shape
            large_array = np.pad(large_array, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=True) 
            # Make sure large array divisible by 8
            padding = ((0, (8 - large_array.shape[0] % 8) % 8), (0, (8 - large_array.shape[1] % 8) % 8))
            large_array = np.pad(large_array, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=True) 
            N, M = large_array.shape
            # Creating all 64 shifts and packing them into int64 (on the gpu)
            large_array_cp = cp.array(large_array)
            large_array_cp = cp.array([[cp.packbits(cp.roll(large_array_cp, (-dx, -dy), (0, 1))) for dy in range(8)] for dx in range(8)])
            large_array_cp = large_array_cp.reshape(8, 8, large_array.shape[0], large_array.shape[1] // 8).transpose((0, 1, 3, 2)).copy().view('int64').transpose((0, 1, 3, 2)).copy()
            # Convert the small array into int64 as well
            small_array = cp.array(np.packbits(small_array.copy(), axis=0).view(np.int64))
            # Call the kernel function
            block = (16, 16, 1)
            grid = ((N-K+1 + block[0] - 1) // block[0], (M-L+1 + block[1] - 1) // block[1])
            result = cp.ones((N-K+1, M-L+1), dtype=cp.int32)
            self.compiled_kernel(grid=grid, block=block, args=(large_array_cp, small_array, result, N-K+1, M-L+1, N // 8, M // 8, K // 8, L // 8))
            # Copy the result to CPU, it will wait until the GPU is finished
            result = result.astype(cp.bool_).get()
            result_np[:result.shape[0], :result.shape[1]] = result
            return result_np